When we designed our bag, we wanted to make sure that it wasn’t flimsy like many others on todays market. We also wanted to fit as many pouches into it as possible, so this is why our bag can safely hold 8 x 500ml YumCars bottles. After this, you are still left with 3 larger inside pouches plus 10 x elastic straps which are perfect for holding detailing tools and brushes.
The storage doesn’t end there either! You also have a velcro strap on the bottom of the bag which is a great tool for strapping a machine polisher or wheel woolies inside, 4 x outer pouches, and there is a mesh pouch inside of the top lid, secured by a zip, to safely contain more detailing equipment.
Because our bag can hold so much weight, we have added strong side clips, along with a thick shoulder pad to help protect you on the go.
- Dimensions 20″ x 10.5″ x 10″
- Featuring YumCars® branded zips, shoulder strap, sides, front and back logo.
- Removable shoulder strap.
- Fully waterproof.
This bag has many other great uses too, such as a gym holdall, boot storage, mobile valeting or even just general storage. We have even spotted it at the beach!
Let Me Stretch Out
Our bags our specially made just for us and are delivered to us flat packed. Due to the thick material we have chosen to ensure the best durability, they will require shaping when you receive them. After a few weeks, the bags will return to their original shape and will loosen up over time.
Detailing Bag
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